BirdsMania respects the intellectual property rights of content creators and site owners. As such, we comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) by responding promptly to legitimate takedown requests and following proper protocols.

If you own the rights to online material and discover unpermitted duplication on our blog that constitutes copyright infringement, please directly notify our designated Copyright Agent in writing immediately:

Copyright Agent BirdsMania Blog

In your notice, please provide the following details:

  1. Electronic or physical signature of the copyright holder making the complaint or an authorized representative.
  2. Clear identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed with specific URL or location if applicable.
  3. Your name, physical address, telephone number, and email address for further communication about the issue.
  4. A statement provided under penalty of perjury that the information stated is accurate and that you are the lawful copyright holder or authorized to make complaint on their behalf.
  5. A clear statement detailing the alleged violation and infringing action documented on our platform requiring remedy.

Once a compliant takedown notice is submitted, our Copyright Agent will respond acknowledging receipt within 72 business hours and provide information on next steps in the DMCA process, which allow for a potential counter-notice by the allegedly infringing party if they believe in good faith the material was removed by mistake or misidentification. Then after careful review, one of the following will occur:

  1. Removal of the allegedly infringing content.
  2. Issuing of a formal retraction if posted by one of our blog writers.
  3. Restoration of the content if a valid counter-notice is filed refuting accusations of infringement.

Extenuating circumstances may allow for reasonable extensions of time in this legal process depending on nature of issues. Information provided in notices and counter-notices may be forwarded to the other involved parties.

False claims or abuse of DMCA safe harbor protocols can result in liability for damages under section 512(f). However, fair use provisions may apply depending on context of potentially infringing content and amount replicated without permission. We aim to handle each instance judiciously, educating writers on copyright best practices when possible.

Please direct DMCA questions or reporting of other website issues unrelated to copyright infringement to our general contact email address rather than the Copyright Agent:

We aim to promptly resolve substantiated complaints in order to avoid disruption among our community members and website visitors interacting in good faith. By developing mutual understanding between all parties involved, we hope to cultivate more effective collaboration and creative solutions to prevent such issues from repeating..